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Welcome to the Polis Analysis Terms and Conditions. You will find below the Terms and Conditions for Polis Analysis (“we”, “us” or “our”). This page sets out the Terms and Conditions on which you may use, the Polis Daily Briefings, Polis Podcast, Polis Intelligence Briefing and the Polis Analysis content available across them. These terms are provided to our visitors, prospective subscribers and subscribers to our daily briefings, intelligence briefings and podcasts to ensure they are informed about how our services are accessed and how you are able to and should interact with our services. 


Polis Analysis Limited, is a company registered with Companies House in England and Wales under number 12232577 whose registered office is at International House, 36-38 Cornhill, London, EC3V 3NG. Polis Analysis Limited is the publisher of the Polis Daily Briefing (“daily briefings”), Polis Podcast (“podcasts”), Polis Intelligence Briefing (“intelligence briefings”) and delivers the Polis Analysis website at (“website”).


1. Introduction to these Terms and Conditions


Please read these terms and conditions carefully and in their entirety before you access our website and podcasts, and register to receive our daily briefings and/or intelligence briefings as this outlines the terms of a legally binding agreement between you and Polis Analysis. By accessing, registering to receive our daily briefings, purchasing a subscription to our intelligence briefings, or accessing the content across the daily briefings, podcasts and intelligence briefings you have indicated that you agree with these terms and conditions, our Privacy Policy and that you agree to abide by these. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, you should not use or any of our daily briefings, podcasts and intelligence briefings and you should unsubscribe (where applicable) from these immediately.


To become a Subscriber (“you”, “your”) of Polis Analysis and to enjoy the daily briefings, podcasts and intelligence briefings, you must read and accept the entirely of the terms and conditions and the privacy policy. By browsing our website, accessing, reading or using our daily briefings, podcasts and intelligence briefings, or by using any facilities or services made available through these, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions. There may be further terms and conditions as part of any registration process for particular products and/or services, which Polis Analysis may make available and require you to agree to, such as the intelligence briefing subscription which is outlined below in Paragraph 13. The entirety of these terms and conditions do not deem to confer any third party rights or benefits. 


2. Use of Polis Analysis Website, Daily Briefings, Podcasts and Intelligence Briefings


Your use of the Polis Analysis website, daily briefings, podcasts and intelligence briefings are governed by these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions must be followed by you to continue to use our website and podcasts, and receive our daily briefings and intelligence briefings.


It must be noted that access to our website, daily briefings, podcasts and intelligence briefings will vary depending on whether you are a visitor, prospective subscriber or subscriber. Access to our website and podcasts is available to our subscribers, prospective subscribers and our visitors. Access to our daily briefings is available to our subscribers. Access to our intelligence briefings is limited to paying subscribers. 


Polis Analysis retains the right to limit the offering and availability of our daily briefings and podcasts, the content provided therein, and cancel the access rights of our non-paying subscribers at any time. Polis Analysis may at its absolute discretion refuse you access to receiving our daily briefings and podcasts byterminating your subscription without any notice for any reason and you shall not be entitled to any compensation in respect of termination of your registration to receiving our daily briefings and podcast.


The use of the Polis Analysis website, accessing our podcasts and to receive our daily briefings and intelligence briefings requires an internet connection and subscription. Polis Analysis is not liable for any costs that you may incur from the use of such. 


The website, daily briefings, podcasts and intelligence briefings provided by Polis Analysis may not be used in connection with any commercial endeavours.


Polis Analysis disclaims any and all responsibility in relation to any offers made available on our website, daily briefings, podcasts and intelligence briefings, and any goods or services supplied in relation to it to the maximum degree permitted by law. Neither Polis Analysis nor its directors, volunteers, Polis Ambassadors or affiliates may be held liable whether in relation to contract, warranty, tort (including negligence), product liability, tax matters or any other form of liability for any claim, damage or loss, arising from or relating to the provision of all or any goods or services sold or agreed to be supplied in connection with our website, daily briefings, podcasts and intelligence briefings. 


3. Registration and Customer Responsibility


To receive our daily briefings and intelligence briefings you will need to register directly by subscribing with us on our website at Please read these registration and customer responsibility terms and conditions meticulously as they outline the terms of your subscription for our daily briefings and intelligence briefings. When subscribing to receive our daily briefings and/or intelligence briefings, you must provide us with accurate, true and complete registration information. 


It is your personal responsibility to keep up to date and maintain changes to your personal information. For both your daily briefings and intelligence briefings subscriptions you can do this via the ‘update your preferences’ link provided at the conclusion of every briefing that you receive. You must promptly update any changes to your personal information. Registering for our daily briefings requires you to provide your full name, valid email address, country of residence and sector of activity. Registering for our intelligence briefings requires you to provide your full name, valid email address, phone number, country of residence and payment card details. Any information that you provide Polis Analysis can be consequently relied upon by us. 


On registration, by submitting your personal details you promise that you are entitled to use those personal details. You must provide us with an email address that is your personal email and corresponds to your name and not a generic or shared email account. It is your responsibility to ensure you have full permission to use the particular email address and that it is owned by you. For personal subscriptions, you must not register other users on the behalf. However, this may differ for corporate subscriptions where the company or company host registers fellow colleagues on their behalf. Any daily briefings and intelligence briefings sign ups that have been registered with another person’s personal details and email address, or with temporary email addresses may be closed without notice. 


On registration, if you provide Polis Analysis with an email address that will result in any emails Polis Analysis may send you being sent to you via a network or device operated or owned by a third party (e.g. your employer, educational institution or colleague) then you promise that you are entitled to receive those messages. Polis Analysis cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with these terms and conditions, and registration section. 


On registration to the intelligence briefing, you will be required to pay for this subscription and will complete a payment form through a third party payment provider, Square. You will be required to provide Square with your payment card number, security code and expiry date, and Square will process your subscription payments. Polis Analysis will directly receive and manage information from Square which will include your full name, email address, phone number, country of residence, the date you signed up to the subscription, the number of payments that have been made by you to Polis Analysis for the intelligence briefing.


It is your personal responsibility to keep up to date and maintain any changes to your payment card details. For the intelligence briefing subscription you can do this via the email confirmation that you received from Square when you first subscribed or via any of the subsequent receipts that you have received after making scheduled monthly payments. You must promptly update any changes to your payment card details to ensure you can continue to receive our intelligence briefings. Any payment information that you provide Square can be consequently relied upon by Polis Analysis to process payments based on your agreement to a recurring subscription.


Payment organisations that provide payment services to you may also share changes to your payment method with Square who process our payments for our intelligence briefing subscriptions. They may notify Square when the payment card you provided is cancelled, replaced or renewed. This will enable Square to keep your payment information updated and accurate, in turn ensuring that you have seamless access to your intelligence briefings. 


On registration, by submitting your payment card details you promise that you are entitled to use this payment card for the recurring monthly subscription to the intelligence briefings. For corporate subscriptions, you must have permission from your company to enter a subscription and use the payment method provided. You must provide us with a payment card that is your personal card and corresponds to your name, and not a card owned by someone other than yourself. It is your responsibility to ensure you have full permission to use the particular payment card and that it is owned by you. Any intelligence briefing subscriptions that have been registered with another person’s payment details that come to our attention will be closed without notice and reported to the relevant law enforcement agency. 


You must personally ensure that the content and information available through our daily briefings and intelligence briefings meets your specific requirements. Polis Analysis cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage if the newsletters content and information does not meet your specific requirements as this is your personal responsibility to ensure this. 


4. Content within our daily briefings, podcasts, intelligence briefings and website


All Polis Analysis content and material belongs to Polis Analysis Limited. 


As a subscriber you are permitted to use and print limited extracts from our daily briefing, podcasts and intelligence briefings for your own personal use provided that: 


  • No analysis contained in our daily briefings, podcasts and intelligence briefings is to be modified in any way

  • Polis Analysis’s copyright and trade mark notices and this permission notice appears in all copies of our analysis. Our status (and that of any identifiable contributors) as the authors of any analysis used must always be acknowledged. 

  • You have obtained our or the identifiable contributor’s prior written consent to use, copy or reproduce any part of our analysis for personal use. 

  • You must not use, copy, reproduce, distribute, modify or republish any part of our analysis for commercial purposes or for use on any other digital platform. 


Any use of our analysis in breach of these terms will lead us to terminate your daily briefing and intelligence briefing subscription immediately without prior notice and cause. Polis Analysis retains the right to determine, in our discretion, whether there has been a breach of these terms and we may take appropriate action that we consider appropriate in the circumstances. Polis Analysis may additionally take the following actions: 


  • Return or destroy any copies of the analysis that you have created. 

  • Begin legal action against you to obtain reimbursement of all damages, losses, expenses, costs, proceedings, claims or liabilities encountered by Polis Analysis in relation to or as result of the breach.


These actions are not limited to those listed, and Polis Analysis reserves the right to take any other action that we reasonably deem appropriate. 


5. Subscription to our daily briefings and intelligence briefings


Polis Analysis reserves the right to vary the amount of content and frequency of our daily briefings and intelligence briefings that it makes available to all users that have registered for these subscription services. Polis Analysis reserves the right to not provide any notice if there is any significant reduction with any of the above. 


Polis Analysis will try to process your registration to our daily briefings and intelligence briefings promptly to ensure you can access these services as soon as possible. However, Polis Analysis does not guarantee that your subscription to our daily briefings and intelligence briefings will be activated by any specified time.


6. Privacy Policy


All information received by us from your use of, registering to receive our daily briefings and intelligence briefings, and use of our daily briefings, podcasts and intelligence briefings will be used by Polis Analysis in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Please read this in its entirety for details of how we may process your personal information. 


7. Disclaimers and Limitations of Liability 


Polis Analysis does not provide any promises, guarantees, conditions or warranties about the content and material on our daily briefings, podcasts, intelligence briefings and Polis Analysis daily briefings, podcasts, intelligence briefings and are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. This means that Polis Analysis does not make any promises and cannot promise in respect of our website, daily briefings, podcasts and intelligence briefings or of the accuracy, quality or completeness of the information published on our website, daily briefings, podcasts and intelligence briefings. 


The limitations of liability in this section apply for the benefit of Polis Analysis, its affiliates, their respective officers, directors, volunteers, agents and Polis Ambassadors. To the extent permitted by law, we hereby exclude:

  • All promises, guarantees, conditions and warranties (whether express or implied) which may otherwise be implied by common law, statute or the law of equity, including without limitation: 

  • That the content and material of Polis Analysis’s daily briefings, podcasts, intelligence briefings and website are of satisfactory quality, accurate, timely, fit for a particular purpose or need, or non-infringing;

  • That the daily briefings, podcasts, intelligence briefings and website will meet your requirements, is error-free, without interruptions or available at all times; 

  • That the results obtained from using the content and materials of the daily briefings, podcasts, intelligence briefings and website, will be effective, reliable, accurate or meet your requirements; 

  • Guarantees as to privacy and security other than as stated in our privacy policy;

  • That you will have the ability to be able to access or use the Polis Analysis website, daily briefings, podcasts and intelligence briefings at times or locations that you choose;

  • Any guarantees and promises on the basis of oral or written information, representations or statements given by Polis Analysis; and

  • Any liability for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, incidental or exemplary loss or damage incurred by any user in connection with our daily briefings, podcasts, intelligence briefings and website, or in connection with the use, or results of the use of the daily briefings, podcasts, intelligence briefings and website, any websites linked to them and any materials posted on them, including without limitation any liability for: 

    • Loss of income or revenue;

    • Loss of business;

    • Loss of profits or contracts;

    • Loss of anticipated savings, the use of money or opportunity;

    • Loss of data;

    • Loss of reputation or goodwill;

    • Business interruption;

    • Wasted management, office time or personnel time;

    • Work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction; or

    • Any other loss or damage of any kind, howsoever arising and whether caused by tort (including negligence), breach of contract or otherwise, even if foreseeable. 


Polis Analysis is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any email or players due to technical problems or traffic congestion on the internet or on any of the Polis Analysis daily briefings, podcasts, intelligence briefings or website or combination thereof, including any injury or damage to your or to any person’s computer related to or resulting from participation in connection with the Polis Analysis daily briefings, podcasts, intelligence briefings or website. Access to the Polis Analysis website, daily briefings, podcasts and intelligence briefings may be suspended temporarily and without notice in the case of system failure, maintenance or repair or for reasons beyond Polis Analysis’s control.


The content and materials provided on our daily briefings, podcasts, intelligence briefings and website is only for your general information purposes and is not intended to address your particular requirements. The content and materials provided do not constitute any form of political advice, recommendation, arrangement or endorsement by Polis Analysis. 


Polis Analysis will use reasonable attempts to correct any errors or omissions as soon as practicable upon notification of them. However, we do not guarantee that the Polis Analysis website, daily briefings, podcasts or intelligence briefings will be free of faults and we do not accept liability for any errors or omissions. We shall not be liable for any errors, inaccuracies or delays in the Polis Analysis daily briefings, podcasts, intelligence briefings or website or any content, or for any actions taken by you in reliance thereon. In the event of an error or fault, you should report it by email to


Therefore, as a visitor, prospective subscriber and subscriber you agree, that to the extent permissible by law, your sole and only remedy for any problems, issues or concerns with our website, daily briefings, podcasts and intelligence briefings is to stop using these in their entirety. 


These disclaimers apply equally to your use of our daily briefings, podcasts and intelligence briefings and website. 


8. Political Advice


The entirety of materials and content including analysis, commentary, insights and explanations provided by Polis Analysis within our daily briefings, podcasts, intelligence briefings and website are strictly for public informational purposes only and are not intended to address your particular requirements. Polis Analysis disclaims all responsibility and liability that arises from any reliance placed on these materials and content including analysis, commentary, insights and explanations by any user of our daily briefings, podcasts, intelligence briefings and website or by any person that is informed of the materials and content. 


You understand and agree that the content and materials provided on the daily briefings, podcasts, intelligence briefings and website do not constitute any form of advice, recommendation, arrangement or endorsement. The content and materials should not be interpreted as political recommendations or assist and influence your political decision-making. All content and materials therefore do not constitute political advice. 


In using the Polis Analysis daily briefings, podcasts, intelligence briefings and website you acknowledge that:

  • The entirety of materials and content including analysis, commentary, insights and explanations provided by Polis Analysis within our daily briefings, podcasts, intelligence briefings and website are strictly for informational purposes only and are not intended for any other purpose.

  • You expressly agree that your use of Polis Analysis daily briefings, podcasts, intelligence briefings and website is at your sole risk.


9. Choice of Law and Jurisdiction


If you are a subscriber of Polis Analysis’s daily briefing subscription and/or intelligence briefing subscription, both you and we agree that English courts will have exclusive jurisdiction over any claim arising in respect of or related to our daily briefing and intelligence briefing. However, both you and we agree that Polis Analysis retains the right to bring proceedings against you for breach of these terms and conditions in your country of residence or any other relevant country. These terms and conditions will be subject, governed by and construed in accordance with English law. 


10. Third Party Websites and Services


Our daily briefings, podcasts, intelligence briefings and website may contain links to third party websites provided by independent third parties and references to third parties, however, this does not imply approval or endorsement of the linked website or source by Polis Analysis. Our privacy policy and terms and conditions do not apply to third party websites, services and any third party. Polis Analysis accepts no responsibility for the content, service, use of personal information, security practices, material or accuracy on these websites or sources. 


11. General Terms


These terms, which combine the Polis Analysis privacy policy and any notices on our website, daily briefings, podcasts and intelligence briefings constitute the entire agreement between you and Polis Analysis relating to your use of our website, daily briefings, podcasts and intelligence briefings. They supersede all previous statements, representations, or other communications either written or oral made by Polis Analysis. 


These terms operate to the fullest extent permissible by law. If any part of these terms and conditions is for any reason declared to be invalid or unenforceable by a court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of that part will not affect the remaining parts of these terms and conditions which will remain in full force and effect. 


Failure by Polis Analysis to exercise any right or provision under these terms and conditions does not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. 


The headings laid out in these terms and conditions are for convenience purposes only and they do not have no legal meaning or effect. 


Polis Analysis shall not be liable for delay or failure to perform any of its obligations under these terms and conditions where and to the extent that such delay or failure results from any circumstances beyond Polis Analysis’s reasonable control.


12. Cancellation of your Daily Briefing Subscription


To cancel your subscription to our daily briefings, this can be done either by clicking unsubscribe or via the ‘update your preferences’ link provided at the conclusion of every daily briefing that you receive. 


Cancellation by Polis Analysis – Polis Analysis reserves the right to terminate your daily briefing subscription if you breach these terms and conditions, with or without notice and without further obligation to you.


13. Intelligence Briefing Subscription Contract and Terms and Conditions


Please note that the terms and conditions outlined outside of this paragraph apply and form part of the intelligence briefing subscription contract and terms and conditions, and should be read and agreed upon by you in conjunction. Therefore, in addition to the standard terms that apply to all services outlined above, you will alongside this be subject to the intelligence briefing subscription terms and the individual offer terms which govern the specific subscription plan that you choose. These individual offer terms which govern the specific subscription plan that you choose will be made known to you prior to you agreeing to purchase your intelligence briefing subscription and would have been confirmed to you in your welcome email. 


This applies to both individual and corporate subscriptions.


Subscription to our Intelligence Briefing

How do I become an Intelligence Briefing subscriber?

To become an intelligence briefing subscriber, please visit or contact us directly and select the intelligence briefing subscription (individual or corporate subscription) and complete the purchase using the forms provided.

Under their local and country laws, intelligence briefing subscribers must have the power to enter a recurring contract with Polis Analysis. Where individuals or corporations under their local and country laws do not hold this power, they must not enter such a contract. 


For the intelligence briefing subscription, you are not able to obtain more than one trial period subscription, where offered, in any 12 month period. If discovered by Polis Analysis that you have had access to other intelligence briefing trial subscriptions during any 12 month period, we reserve the right to cancel any trial subscription that you may have purchased, without providing a refund where relevant. 

Your intelligence briefing subscription (individual) is for single individual use only. Your intelligence briefing subscription (corporate) is for multi-use and is based on the number of licences you have subscribed for. Intelligence briefings will be delivered to you via email and you must not forward these, print these or use any other method to share these with others. If discovered by Polis Analysis that you have shared your access to our intelligence briefings with others, we reserve the right to cancel your subscription that you may have purchased, without providing a refund. 

Polis Analysis reserves the right to exclude individuals and corporations from certain countries from time to time from subscribing and limit the scope of the intelligence briefings available in any specific country.


How long is my Intelligence Briefing subscription?


You will be informed of your minimum subscription term prior to you agreeing to purchase your intelligence briefing subscription and it will be confirmed to you in your welcome email. This minimum subscription term will differ based on the individual offer for subscription that you selected and agreed to. 


Accessing and using the Intelligence Briefing


In terms of access to your intelligence briefing subscription, Polis Analysis will try to process your registration to our intelligence briefing promptly to ensure you can access these services as promptly as possible. However, Polis Analysis does not guarantee that your subscription will be activated by any specified time. Polis Analysis is not responsible for third party delays, difficulties and faults with the processing of any of your details, such as payment and email address, which may impact the commencement and smooth continuation of your receipt of our intelligence briefings. 


Polis Analysis holds the right to alter the scope of the products from time to time within your intelligence briefing subscription that it makes available to all subscribers without any notice. This is not limited to but includes its frequency, quantity and timing. Polis Analysis reserves the right to not provide you with any notice of any reduction significant or otherwise in the scope of the products within your intelligence briefing subscription. This also applies where some of the products within the intelligence briefing subscription are available to daily briefing subscribers on an introductory, temporary or trial basis. 


Polis Analysis reserves the sole right and discretion to terminate your intelligence briefing subscription where we believe that we have serious grounds to terminate, such as but not limited to non-payment of subscription fees, breach of our terms and conditions and using a card not belonging to you.


When will payment for my Intelligence Briefing Subscription be taken?


When payment is taken from your allocated method of payment will depend on whether your individual offer for subscription included a trial period. This will be made known to you prior to you agreeing to purchase your intelligence briefing subscription and will be confirmed to you in your welcome email. 


Details of your next payment date, monthly subscription charge and the payment card held on file will be made available to you in your welcome email and subsequent receipts you receive via email after making scheduled payments. This will allow you to ensure you are informed of your subsequent payments and update any payment card details where necessary.


What does your Intelligence Briefing Subscription cost?


The intelligence briefing subscription charges depend on the individual offer present at the time of your subscription that you agreed to. This will be made known to you prior to you agreeing to purchase your intelligence briefing subscription and will be confirmed to you in your welcome email. You agree to pay the subscription fees at the amounts and frequency that you agreed to at the time you entered into an intelligence briefing subscription. 


Where your individual offer for subscription to our intelligence briefing offers a trial period offer, your trial will cost the price agreed to if there is a charge for the trial when you subscribed. The subscription price agreed to is payable at the start of the trial period, however, will be debited from your payment method provided once the trial has completed. Therefore, you are required to enter your preferred payment method when signing up to an individual offer for subscription where there is a trial period. When your agreed trial period offer comes to an end, your subscription will automatically renew at the full subscription price on a recurring basis (rolling monthly or otherwise as agreed to at the time of your subscription to the trial period offer) at the cost you agreed to at the time of purchasing your intelligence briefing subscription. 


From time to time, Polis Analysis holds the right to offer multiple varying individual offers for subscription to our intelligence briefing. The individual offer terms and prices at that moment that you subscribe to the intelligence briefings may differ from others during that period, in the future or the past. You are subject to the individual offer terms and price at that specific time when choosing your subscription plan offer as agreed by you and cannot be changed during the term of your subscription. These offer terms and price will be made known to you prior to you agreeing to purchase your intelligence briefing subscription and will be confirmed to you in your welcome email. 

Where individuals or corporates have been found to abuse the terms of any offers for the intelligence briefing subscription, Polis Analysis reserves the right to terminate their subscription with us.


To enter into an intelligence briefing subscription, payment must be made using our payment processor and provider, Square. Square accepts all major debit or credit cards. Please note that payment is taken in Pound Sterling which may lead to currency conversion charges by your payment provider which you are responsible for. Furthermore, if you are using a currency other than Pound Sterling, currency conversion amounts may differ and fluctuate from one billing period to the next. When entering your payment details to sign up to the intelligence briefing, you promise that you are fully entitled to use those payment card details to purchase a subscription. 


It must be noted that Polis Analysis reserves the right to alter (increase or decrease) the price of your intelligence briefing subscription with 7 days notice and those affected have the right to terminate their subscription within the 7 day period of notice. Any alteration to the price of your intelligence briefing subscription will take effect at your next scheduled payment date. 


Cancellation terms and rights

Your cancellation rights


You are able to cancel your intelligence briefing subscription at any time you choose to do so. The option to cancel your subscription will be made available to you in your welcome email and subsequent receipts you receive via email after making scheduled payments. 


When you confirm your intelligence briefing subscription subject to these terms and conditions, you agree that Polis Analysis may start your subscription immediately upon our acceptance of your order and that you waive your statutory right or right to cancel our contract within 14 days once you receive your first intelligence briefing. In the UK the statutory right to a 14 day right to change your mind and obtain a full refund is known as the ‘cooling off period’ under the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013. You do not have the right to receive a full refund if you have started to receive the services of the intelligence briefing within the 14 day cooling off period. You may be entitled to equivalent rights under the law of the country that you are domiciled, such as a member state in the EU. Waiving your statutory right or right means that you will lose your right to cancel this contract and receive a full refund within the 14 day cooling off period once you have received your first intelligence briefing. By informing you and you acknowledging this by agreeing to our terms and conditions you have agreed to waive your statutory right or right to a 14 day cooling off period to cancel this contract and receive a full refund. Where you provide any notice of cancellation, and you have waived your 14 day cooling off period, this notice of cancellation will only take effect at the end of your current recurring (monthly or otherwise as agreed) subscription period. You will not be entitled to a refund for your subscription fee for this period unless there is a fault in our provision of the intelligence briefing that cannot be fixed, or has not been fixed within a reasonable time period and without significant inconvenience.


Where a free trial period applies to your agreed subscription you will be able to cancel your subscription during this trial period. You must cancel your subscription prior to the end of the trial period to ensure that you do not incur a charge for your first scheduled full subscription payment. You can provide a notice of cancellation during your trial period which will take effect at the end of your trial period. The date your trial period will end is when your first scheduled full subscription payment will be taken, and the scheduled payment amount will be stated within your welcome email. When the trial period comes to an end you agree that you waive your statutory right or right to cancel our contract and receive a full refund within the 14 days cooling off period once you have received your first intelligence briefing post your trial period. 


If you do not cancel your subscription prior to the next scheduled payment date, you will be required to pay in full your next scheduled payment and your intelligence briefing subscription will continue until the end of the following scheduled billing date. You can locate your next scheduled payment date within your welcome email and subsequent receipts you receive via email after having made previous scheduled payments.


Any previous payments that have already been made to Polis Analysis are non-refundable including any discounted subscription fees and trial fees.


If you have any questions and issues in relation to cancelling your intelligence briefing subscription please contact and provide the following:

  • your full name and/or corporation name;

  • email address;

  • contact number;

  • date of subscription; and

  • next billing date. 


If you have any difficulties processing your cancellation and would like us to process this, please provide us with notice of cancellation and instructions to do so via email to including your: 

  • full name and/or corporation name;

  • email address;

  • contact number;

  • reason for cancelling (optional) 

  • the date;

  • date of subscription; and

  • billing date. 


You are entitled to cancel your intelligence briefing subscription immediately in writing and obtain a refund for any amount that you have paid to us in advance that relates to the period remaining on your subscription until your next subscription payment date if the intelligence briefings are unavailable or inaccessible to you for either (a) any 72 hour period during your subscription; or (b) more than five 24 hour periods over a 30 day period; in either case as a direct result of a fault or failure of Polis Analysis. You must provide us with notice of cancellation and instructions to do so via email to including your: 

  • full name and/or corporation name;

  • email address;

  • contact number;

  • reason for cancelling based on either of the cases outlined above (a) or (b)

  • the date;

  • date of subscription; and

  • billing date. 


Our cancellation rights


Where Polis Analysis does not initially receive payment authorisation by your payment provider or where later any authorisation you provided us is subsequently withdrawn or cancelled, and we are prevented from providing your intelligence briefing to you, we may immediately terminate your intelligence briefing subscription. Polis Analysis reserves the right to not provide you with a pro rata refund, where applicable, in this instance.


Where a subscriber defaults on their payment and payment is outstanding or Polis Analysis is unable to collect this using their preferred payment method, and we are prevented from providing your intelligence briefing to you, Polis Analysis may:

  • terminate your subscription;

  • forward your details provided to us to a third party debt collector; and/or

  • pursue a method necessary in our judgement to recover our losses for the subscription amount owed. 


Where your subscription to our intelligence briefing has been terminated by us and you resubscribe to one of our subscriptions, Polis Analysis reserves the right to require payment in full from yourself for any unsettled amount that you owe.


Polis Analysis reserves the right to terminate your subscription if we cease to provide the intelligence briefing. In this instance where eligible Polis Analysis will provide you with a pro rata refund for the period remaining between your previous billing payment and your next scheduled billing payment. 


Polis Analysis reserves the right to terminate your intelligence briefing subscription where:

  • you breach our general and specific intelligence briefing terms and conditions outlined above.

  • you submit any written or verbal abuse of any kind directed towards our team.

  • you are in breach of any applicable law.

  • we are required to do so by a regulatory authority.

  • you have misused the intelligence briefing.


Polis Analysis reserves the right to not provide you with a pro rata refund in this instance.


Outcomes of cancellation


Where Polis Analysis has outlined that you are entitled to a refund, we will process your refund within 14 days after we have heard from you. Any refund will be processed only using the payment method provided to us that we hold on file. Please note that refunds are issued in Pound Sterling which may lead to currency conversion charges by your payment provider and currency conversion amounts may differ which you are responsible for. 


How do I renew my Intelligence Briefing Subscription?


Your intelligence briefing subscription will automatically continue to renew on a recurring basis for further equivalent periods (periods are agreed when you initially subscribe and can be located on your welcome email or subsequent scheduled payment receipts). For example, if you pay monthly for your intelligence briefing subscription this will renew each month on a recurring basis and you will continue to be subject to these general and specific intelligence briefing terms and conditions. Polis Analysis will continue to deduct your subscription fees from the payment card provided on file. 


14. Changes to these Terms and Conditions


These terms and conditions are effective from 14 July 2023.


Revisions to these terms may be made by Polis Analysis from time to time without notice to reflect changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements, in market conditions affecting our business practice, in changes to Polis Analysis’ services and changes in technology. You agree to be bound by any changes to these terms through your continued use of the Polis Analysis website, podcasts, daily briefings and intelligence briefings after any such changes to the terms are posted on the website. You should regularly check this page to review these terms and check if any changes have been made. Any changes that are made to the terms and conditions are effective immediately. 


15. Contacting Polis Analysis in relation to our Terms and Conditions


If you have any questions, requests or comments in relation to our Terms and Conditions or material which appears on our website, daily briefings, intelligence briefings and podcast, please contact us via email at

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